Audacity Workshop Review – Podcast Editing In Half The Time!

If you are like me and started from the beginning of podcasting without knowing a lot about audio recording, editing, etc., this might be right for you.

Many people these days are recording their videos, music files, audio, or any other kind of project without wasting their money and time. The surging trend to create audio on one’s own, within limited time and little resources, has also contributed to the need among innovators to create podcasting products and come up with tutorials and workshops. These can simplify the task of the video or audio recording process.

What is Audacity?

Audacity is an excellent open-source audio editor. With it, you can make your recordings, edit, combine and integrate different audio clips with ease and apply special effects. The best part about this software is that it provides successful results in no time and comes free of cost. Unlike quite a few similar, paid applications to fill up the market and charge premium rates for their usage. You can also expand this ultimate tool of editing with a few plugins to introduce more functionality.

Using this genuinely incredible tool can work wonders in creating the finest podcast project. However, to make the best use of this fantastic tool, one first needs to understand the entire process. 

What Is Audacity Workshop?

This is great for people who do not wish to spend too much time understanding the nuts and bolts of audio recording. It is best suited for beginners to understand the procedure to set up, record, and also export podcasts in as little time as possible. You do not need any prior training to start using Audacity, but just a few quick tips and tricks of this workshop can make a newbie an expert in very little time! One of the best workshops we recommend is the Audacity Workshop with Steve Stewart.

What Is Included With Audacity Workshop?

A “Get Started” video section takes you through all the steps you need to install, get a recording project going, and more. This entire section only takes about an hour to go through, and after you are done, you should be able to create and record a simple project! 

So what does this workshop cover? 


Note that you can get the first 10 videos for FREE! Just click here. With it, you will learn how to create, record, and publish your podcast in under 60 minutes. This course is perfect for beginners who want to get started creating podcasts.


Your one-time purchase gives you access to all current and future videos – including exclusive webinars with industry leaders.  

  • The first video module covers:
    • Install Audacity
    • Setting up a new project
    • Project walk-through
    • Control Panels
    • Toolbars use
    • Customizing your toolbars
    • Selecting audio sources and inputs (getting the sound from you to the computer).
    • How to record a new project
    • How to save projects
    • Exporting your audio
    • Working with WAV files
  • A second video module that goes into detail about editing your audio files: subject covered here are: Converting stereo to mono.
    • Adding and positioning tracks
    • Syncing and locking tracks
    • How to speed up your editing time
    • Safely deleting sections of audio.
    • Labeling tracks
    • Amplification
    • Audio compression and levels
    • Keyboard shortcut to speed up your process
  • A third module covers Steve’s tips and tricks that he has learned over the years.

What Are Others Saying About Audacity Workshop?