Create Your Own Video Podcast With My Recommended Equipment

Video podcasting requires an artist to bring together a lot of gear to make their production a success. Lately, a lot of people have been asking a ton of questions on the various types of equipment needed for video podcasting. Below you will find valuable insights on how to set up your microphones, camera, and lighting that you will need when recording videos.

1. Microphones

Audio is one of the most important aspects of video production. You are going to need a capable microphone that allows your voice to be heard with clarity. When choosing an amplifier for video recording, it is essential to select one that is not too big to cause distractions. It helps to have a microphone that does not capture too much background noise. If you are unable to work around this problem, I recommend you improvise by getting a pop filter; it can do wonders for your mic.

Here are a few options you can consider for your studio:

Handheld microphones: if you are recording a video in a noisy environment then a handheld microphone can be your best friend. It is superb for conducting interviews because you have good control of the conversation, the gadget also does a neat trick of suppressing background noise.

Lavaliere microphones: lav mics have become very popular in the entertainment industry. They attach to your clothing and can also be concealed to avoid distractions. With such a Mic., you can move freely as long the gadget clips to your clothing.

Headsets: if you don’t mind their size, headsets can also handle video podcasting quite well. Many professional mic-only headsets guarantee high-quality audio for production purposes.

2. Audio recorders

If you consider yourself a serious content producer who doesn’t rely on built-in microphones, then an external audio recorder is a must-have. Some people prefer to record audio and video separately without having to rely on camera applications. If you choose to go with this option, you will need to link your mic to a portable audio recording gadget and begin recording audio and video simultaneously. For this method to work your camera and audio recorder should be recording at the same rate.
The other option is to connect your mic and camera by using a cable or a wireless system.

3. Cameras

A camera is the first equipment that most people think about when they want to create video content. When purchasing a camera, you are better off going for a high-end model. In general, when it comes to the camera, the larger the sensor, the better the images will be.

When recording, it is essential to factor in aspects such as resolution and the frame rate. Videos captured in high resolution will look better compared to those from low-resolution cameras. For example, 1080p content tends to be more appealing than a 720p recording. I recommend going for a device with image stabilization because it produces less shaky videos. This feature comes in handy when shooting is by hand rather than placing the camera on a tripod stand. 30 frames per second should be enough for podcasts unless you are into slow motion shooting which demands higher frame rates.

Also, remember that the aperture of your camera goes a long way in determining how well your videos appear. Aperture refers to the amount of light that your device lets in through its opening. It can be wide or narrow. A wide aperture lets in more light while creating more depth of field because the foreground gets more focus than the background.

When shopping for a camera, you can opt to go with either a camcorder or a DSLR. A DSLR provides terrific content with a lot of attention to detail thanks to its superior sensors. If DSLR is your choice, then you can’t go wrong with either of a Canon Rebel or the Sony A7 series. However, a high-end DSLR is most definitely expensive; if you are on a budget, you are better off getting a camcorder. A camcorder is versatile high definition video camera that is great for recording long videos that require plenty of storage.

4. Lighting

The secret behind high-quality video recording is having a good lighting. Excellent lighting conditions can make a huge difference in how your videos appear. When the scene is properly lit, the camera can capture more detail without too much processing. Luckily, creating a well-lit stage is not necessarily an expensive affair. Many affordable kits are available on the market. A typical lighting kit will feature at least two stands a couple of light bulbs and its carrying case. A majority of the packages are portable meaning they fold and can be tucked away easily.

If you purchase a softbox, you will likely want three types of lighting. Key light projects bright light from the front focusing on facial features; it can be angled from either the left or right. Fill light is a bit dim but is mostly angled from the opposite side of the key light. Another neat trick is to project an overhead rim light whose aim is to distinguish the subject from the background setting. You can purchase a softbox at a local store near you or online shop.

5. Streaming media and accessories

If you prefer to live-stream your podcast videos, you will undoubtedly need powerful media gadgets to get past common live-streaming problems. Apart from live-streaming software such as Wirecast, you are going to need HDMI inputs that connect to your computer. Live streaming equipment will set you back a few thousand dollars, but on the upside, you will generate fantastic content that requires minimal editing during post-production.

Here is another set of equipment needed for video podcasting. A tripod is a necessary accessory for mounting your camera. You will also require a stand for your lighting gadgets. Be sure to include a desk or a table for placing your essentials. Have a comfortable set of seats for use during recording. Finally, make sure you have a few background props to make the recording scene interesting.