How To Market A Podcast & Attract Advertisers

There was a time, not so long ago, when the internet was almost synonymous with blogs. Almost all news online would be about this blog or that blog. With their booming popularity automatically, advertisers also flocked to bloggers. While podcasting did not have that kind of an initial impact, things are gradually moving in that direction now. An increasing number of advertisers are realizing the potential of podcasts.

Irrespective of the size of organizations, there is a definite clamor among advertisers to get onto the podcasting bandwagon. So, how does a podcaster tap into this multi-million-dollar industry? This guide will give you some handy tips that will tell you how to get people to market on your podcast.

Ways To Attract Advertisers

Write a great Podcast description

Many a times podcasters tend to do the mistake of not paying enough attention to the podcast description. A well written description could be the deal clincher. The description should be such that it should attract an advertiser. List down all the benefits that an advertiser gain gets by sponsoring your podcast. These benefits could include:

  • Mention the names of other advertisers whom you have already worked with in the recent past
  • Make sure that you mention any awards that you may have won.
  • A brief description about how your podcast numbers have been growing. Share any interesting statistic that may attract advertisers.
  • Share any guidelines that you may have.
  • Advertisers will surely be interested in knowing the number of downloads of your podcasts, so any statistic related to that must be there in the description.
  • List down links to your social media presence.
  • It is also preferable that you list down your advertisement rates too. This would send a positive message to the advertisers here is someone who is transparent enough to list down the rates in advance.
  • Tell advertisers about any special discounts that you may be offering from time to time.
  • Let the advertisers know about the number of years you have been into podcasting.
  • List down a few key reasons as to why anyone should sponsor your podcast.
  • What are the other things that you are willing to do in order to make it a successful experience for the sponsor.
  • Other marketing channels like SEO and social media marketing.

Keep a tab on the quality of the show

There are times when you could get carried away with your podcasts. You may ‘feel’ that you are doing a good job, while the audience may be feeling the right opposite. It is therefore important that you get constant feedback about your show from others. This would help you improve constantly. It is also important that you grab the best headphones for podcasting and listen to other podcasts too. Find out what is that they are doing to improve their quality. Keep in mind that any advertiser will only be attracted to a show that is really interesting.

Take care of the artwork

The artwork on your podcast needs to convey a professional image of yours. If it is distorted or blurry it would so easily send the wrong kind of message to an advertiser. The best way to go about the process would be to have it professionally designed. While this may appear a small thing, remember, at the end of the day, it could be the difference between getting a sponsor or not.

Be prompt in responding

How to get people to advertise on your podcast is all about being prompt. Make sure that your respond immediately to an advertiser’s message. A speedy reply will send a strong message to the advertiser that you are a thorough professional. Such initial steps go a long way in building trust with prospective advertisers. It would improve the odds of you clinching the deal.

Spread the word with your audience

There is nothing wrong in spreading the message that you are on the lookout for new sponsors for your podcast with your audience. Apart from announcing, you can also try out a 15 second billboard at the end or middle of your podcast. All these efforts would complement each other and help you get new sponsors.

How to choose an advertiser?

While there may be several thousands of potential advertisers who may want to advertise on your podcast, you need to remember that any advertising that is done wrong can wreak havoc with the loyal listener’s or viewer’s base that you may have created with your hard work.

It is always recommended that you only carry those advertisements that are related to your niche. For example, an ad from an online casino could be frowned upon by many listeners, since for many gambling could be a moral issue. There is no point in carrying an advertisement without relation to your niche, for it could end up being only a disruption to the podcast.

The other key thing that you must never do is to carry too many advertisements during your podcast. The best average is two advertisements per episode. Most of the leading podcasts do not have more than two advertisements during a show. While one advertisement could come in the middle of the show, the other can be placed during either the beginning or the end of the show.

One simple thumb rule that you can follow in order to narrow down the list of advertisers is to be convinced about the product or service yourself. The listeners these days are a very aware lot. They can smell a scam with ease. There is no way someone can take them for a ride, for sooner or later they will find out. It is your conviction that is important.

Podcast networks

If you are not confident about promoting your podcast among advertisers or don’t have the time for that, then you can also seek the services of podcast networks. These networks offer several types of services. They could promote your show, find advertisers, as well as negotiate deals with them. Many of them also host podcasts on their online platform too.

There are scores of podcast networks available these days. Each of them has their own rates. Since these networks have got experience talking to and promoting shows with customers, they are a good option available to podcasters.