How To Start A Podcast On iTunes – A Quick Guide

Things are easy to handle now that technology is ruling every aspect of businesses. One of the recent developments is podcasting. It feels like having a personal radio show where you have the freedom to record your favorite audios and videos for people to watch. iTunes has incorporated this feature to make it easy for iTunes subscriber. For new users, they need to know how to start podcasting on iTunes for quality broadcasting.

What is podcasting?

In podcasting, you merely make any audio file and post it on iTunes, and your subscribers can download it onto their iPods or other audio device. Recording artists have the advantage of accessing iTunes for Mac or Media Player to store the series of making podcast libraries. Audio files adopt MP3 format while video recording uses the MOV format.

Why is podcasting on iTunes different from other broadcasts?

Most entrepreneurs link up their users to podcasts by uploading the MP3 files in blogs for an advanced user experience. The most exciting part is the invention in iTunes is that it enables the users to share podcasts with their media players easily. The use of software applications makes the user experience more advanced and exceedingly fascinating. For the bloggers, the software readily identifies the audio files and allows for an automatic download.

Podcasts enable time-shifting in iTunes. It is an advancement that allows the users of iTunes to listen to the audio podcasts anytime regardless of the location of your subscribers. For this reason, digital convergence has been possible by linking up a variety of digital media performances depending on the demand.

How does the iTunes interface encourage This?

Recently, Apple introduced iTunes 11.2 to increase the experience of podcasts browsers. Another feature for the podcasts interface includes software applications that automatically delete old podcasts to create room for new uploads. There is also direct save approach that subscribers can use for keeping broadcasts on their iPods. The update from iTunes stores also increases the stability of podcasts when syncing your favorite episodes.

How to start podcasting on iTunes

There are a variety of podcatcher apps that users can access through RSS feed. It is available for artists who use Blogger or WordPress for creating their broadcasts. However, there are a few steps for following. They include the invention of reliable platforms for hosting the shows. It can be via Amazon S3 or even a website.

You will then need to design a cover page with quality images. After that, create a merging tag for podcasts and your blog posts. Then use FeedBurner to create iTunes feeds which are compatible with the features of your podcasts. The final stage now requires you to post the podcasts on Apple website. Thus, you get to achieve a successful publication of your podcasts on iTunes store.

What are the alternatives if your podcasts do not appear on your iTunes profile?

Alternatively, you can use SoundCloud for creating an information link that you can now quickly post on iTunes. People can still access your music files and product advertisement files using their iPods on iTunes through SoundCloud. For quality podcasting, increase the consistency of your posts with unique features.

How do I upload To iTunes?

  • Step 1 – Sign into your Itunes Connect account.
  • Step 2 -Click the plus sign on the top left of the screen.
  • Step 3 – Enter the RSS feed url of your podcast.  Not sure what your RSS feed is?  It is really going to depend on what was used to create your site.  For example, if you are using WordPress you just need to add “/feed” to the end of your url.  You will have to do some Googling to find yours based on how your site was created.
  • Step 4 – Click the “Validate” button and you should get a preview of the feed.
  • Step 5 – If you are happy with the feed preview, click submit and you are done.  Now, every time you publish a new podcast episode, iTunes will automatically pick it up.

How long does it take?

Once the steps above are done, it may take 3-10 days for your podcast to get approved.  After you get approved, you will be sent your subscribe url that you can share with people to subscribe.

What are the reviews?

Subscribers appreciate the use of short links that we provide for them to access our iTunes podcasts. Because of this, people can now listen to the broadcasts while doing chores in their houses or doing some push-ups at the gym. Hence, they are glad that they can use their mobile phones instead of computers for accessing the podcasts.

How do you maximize reviews?

Having an active presence on iTunes helps you in creating a devoted audience for your podcasts. Strive to get your podcasts appear in Noteworthy and Note sections in iTunes. Once your broadcasts reach these segments, you get to increase traffic to your iTunes account.

Additionally, iTunes have thumbnails that enable you to increase the quality of your broadcasts. With this, you attract many subscribers. iTunes also has a responsive network that increases the rate at which your audience subscribe to your podcasts. You should also focus on search engine optimization, SEO to increase the number of reviews on your iTunes podcasts.

How do you Get featured in search?

Apple has high operational standards which you have to meet for them to include your podcasts in iTunes searches. Thus, if the number of your listeners increase significantly, the quality of your broadcasts is likely to impress iTunes stores. Having a keyword or precise description in your search engines for the iTunes podcast enhances your presence in Apple stores. Hence, they will consider uploading your podcasts in iTunes search.

What are the advantages?

The ease of downloading audio files from iTunes to iPods enhances flexible delivery. The use of internet makes it easy to access the MP3 downloads. With just a single download, many people can get the information by merely sharing through their iPods.

Subscribers can use hardware like Skype which only cost a few pennies. Additionally, iTunes promote learning by producing quality podcasts for users. Apple also increases iTunes effect to elevate the quality of podcasts for your audience.

What is the future of podcasts?

Podcasting has revolutionized the sharing of information for people all over the world. Now, sectors that use traditional means of distributing news such as entertainment industries, journalism firms, and even the education sector are adopting the technology. Many people have become internet gurus. Podcast wishes to optimize its search engines, enhance the quality of production of MP3 files.

We all hope for a future where we can enjoy digital connections in the comfort of our homes. Podcast will enable people to increase their income now that everyone is eager to learn how to start podcasts on iTunes. Other advancements that subscribers anticipate include a text version of podcasts. With all these, the world will have PlusOne Marketing platforms for their music and product marketing. All in all, the future looks great for podcast users on the iTunes platform.

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