Podcast Course – Ready to Learn How To Start?

Looking to get into podcasting?  We have done a few extensive reviews of some excellent online podcast course for this.  Take a look:

Available Courses

Why Learn Podcasting?

Podcasting is gaining ground as both a hobby and a business. As a hobby it is a great way to spread information between fellow fans and hobbyists, and as a business it is a great to demonstrate that you are an expert in your industry., Because of that people are looking for ways to learn how to do them and how to apply them to their interests. However, there is a little bit of a snag: There are no real courses of study to learn podcasting, and it needs to be cobbled together from other majors. This means that a person really needs to know what to look for when looking into podcasting courses.

Basics Of Podcasting

The basics of a podcasting course of study are the same as a recording major. This just means that you should be learning how to use a mixing board and sound-editing software, as well as basic rules and regulations of recording. While few podcasters actually use a mixing board, the essentials do apply, and how to use that knowledge to make a better sounding recording. A podcaster needs to know how to handle any number of sound problems as they come up, and sometimes having that additional knowledge to deal with problems, or at least make them easier to listen to, makes all the difference in the world.

Podcast Rules & Regulations

There should also be some sort of introduction to law. Recognizing that there are rules and regulations that apply to recording is important, especially when it comes to using various forms of sampling and royalty-free music; while the FCC does not really monitor podcasts, there are rules that need to be followed. Also, knowing the difference between slander and libel, as well as how to avoid them both, should be basic knowledge for anyone interested in running an opinion-based podcast. Throw in the ability to deal with regulations and you can avoid a lot of problems later on.

Theater Classes?

You should also look to include a few theater classes, especially if you are interested in being behind the microphone. The ability to use your voice effectively is a great talent, especially given that the voice is the thing that differentiates any two podcasts. This will also allow you to accentuate your points better, avoid speaking issues while recording, and speak from a place of confidence. As public speaking is a major fear, anything that helps to at least decrease that fear is a good thing and should be looked for; when it makes your voice sound even better, it should head the list.

A couple of journalism classes could definitely not hurt, especially if the podcast does any kind of reporting or fact-finding, and definitely if interviews will be part of the format. Journalism is not just a good option for writers, but shows you different ways to research a subject as well as how to organize what you want to say. It will also show you how to better interview people, and how to avoid some of the usual pitfalls as well as how to get the most out of an interview. Even if the show is a basic review show all of these skills will combine nicely to create a very smooth podcast.

If you can take a few classes relevant to the podcast so much the better. Even if you yourself are an acknowledged expert in the field, having a little book knowledge is never a bad thing. Not only will this give you an additional insight into the field, but it also gives you additional background to draw upon. As a podcast is all about the information having more resources is a definite advantage. This applies even if you are just playing music as it gives you a better feel for which music will stick around for a long time. All of that gives you an advantage over your competitors.

Business and marketing classes should also be a part of the mix, depending on the purpose of the podcast. Marketing classes will help you get the word out about the podcast, ensuring that you will have plenty of listeners. It will also give you an insight into how to tailor the podcast to maximize your listeners as well as how to make use of any marketing tools that apply. You can use the business side if you are going to trying to make money, especially if you make a sizable lump of money; you will know how to deal with taxes as well as know which regulations apply. Should you be investigated you will have all of the paperwork in place and ready to go. All of this can only help you as your audience grows.

Taken as a whole, this gives you a skillset that can fuel your success. The theater and journalism classes hone your writing and voice talents so that you can make the most of what airtime you end up deciding on. The recording classes allow you to create the best recording, while the legal classes make sure that the recording has as few problems as possible once it has been released. The marketing classes will definitely help you find an audience, as well as maintain that audience. All of this education thus makes for a really great podcast, and a potentially successful one, and by combining them effectively you can do pretty much anything.

With all of that to back you, all you need to do is supply the passion. And that passion is the biggest thing you need; unless you are speaking on something that you absolutely love, you are merely talking and that will interest almost no one. People can hear that passion, and that passion will draw others like a moth to a flame. All you need to do is find something that you are passionate about, and let that passion fuel the podcast. Of course, that is also the hardest part, and no one can help you with that. But once you do, and back with some good skills, you will easily have a successful podcast.

Check out a podcasting course today